Camphill Vallersund Gård

Vallersund Gård, an old coastal trading-center, became a Camphill village in 1981. The village is on the coast, open to the sea, and located west of the city of Trondheim. About 35 people live in the village, and work on the farm, in the vegetable gardens, in small workshops and in the houses. “FRAMskolen”, a youth guidance and work-training program for persons with disabilities between the ages of 18 to 25, is also located in Vallersund Gård village.
Inspired by Anthroposophy and the threefold social order
Camphill villages are founded in Anthroposophy (see www.anthroposophy worldwide), and based on the works of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) and Karl König (190-1966).
As a Camphill village, Vallersund Gård’s main endeavor is to shape a community in such a way that everyone living here can realize their full potential in as many realms of life as are possible. Everyone living here should gain the certainty that he or she is needed in this world. Central to forming these experiences are
- The awareness of equality between all people and
- The spiritual perspective of our human existence.
Since the beginnings of Camphill the idea of the threefold social order has been implemented as help towards this goal. The threefold social order can be described briefly as:
- A spiritual life based on individual freedom
- A social life where all are equal
- And an economy based on a brotherly way of caring for each other’s needs
Living in Vallersund Gård means to find one’s place in a community - in everyday life and celebrating festivals, in leisure and in work. Through human closeness and mutual concern for the life of the village, a safe and stimulating atmosphere can be formed. A living environment arises that encourages the individual to take responsibility for oneself and care for others.
The spiritual aspect of being can penetrate our daily lives. Anthroposophy is a source of inspiration for long-term co-workers in Vallersund Gård. Short term co-workers are asked to have an interest in learning more about Anthroposophy.
A house-community
Together, people with and without special needs form the house-community. Most meals are common and are important meeting points for conversation, or for just being together. A nicely set table, and tasty food using the farm's own products create a good atmosphere. A living and humane architecture is striven for. Much emphasis is laid on color and quality of materials. There are houses in various sizes, from small one-family houses to large households with space for 7-10 people.
Working side by side
Work is an essential aspect of village life. Work is separated from salary in the village and people with different abilities stand side by side in fulfilling many of the tasks in the village.
Most of the people working in the village are not paid a wage in the usual sense, but share in a common economic fund.
Other persons receive a disability-grant.
Board and lodging is paid into the Village Trust from these funds.
Everyone has a job to go to
Vallersund Gård village are built around a bio-dynamic ecological farm. Many of the tasks in the village are associated with the care of the animals and the cultivation of the soil. We grow vegetables and fruits, mainly for our own use, but in times of surplus we also offer some of our produce for sale.
Nearness to nature and tasks that are stimulating for the individual are given priority. In addition to farming, Vallersund Gård has a variety of workshops, such as, a weaving workshop, a bakery, a carpentry-shop and a general store.
Housework is also an essential part of the village. The houses must be cleaned and meals prepared. People are hungry after a good day's work.
It is a goal that everyone has duties to perform that meet real needs in the village.
The celebration of the seasonal festivals of the year are cultural and social highlights of the community life in Vallersund Gård.
It is possible to take a four-year block-course leading to a Bachelor’s degree in Social Pedagogy at the Rudolf Steiner University College in Oslo, while working in Vallersund Gård.
Are you interested in being a co-worker in Vallersund Gård?
Download the application form XXXXXXX.
This information sheet (PDF, 455KB) gives you a closer description about what it is to be a co-worker at Vallersund Gård.
Enquiries: Vallersund Gård, 7167 Vallersund, Norway
Phone: +47 72 52 70 80
Cell-phone : +47 466 64 857